Follow the CO2-free iplas route to truly Green HYDROGEN.
Plasma Cracking, 8 times more energy efficient H2 production than electrolysis.
The most energy efficient and cleanest way to produce H2 and Solid Carbon Black.
Clean conversion of biogas, natural gas, LNG, BNG, hydrocarbonates … into Hydrogen & valuable Purest Solid Carbon Black, a resource of high demand.
We are provider of sustainability technologies.
CYRANNUS® is the key element of our microwave H2 plasma process, or plasma cracking for short.
Plasma Cracking, the truly CO2 free way to get H2 from converting methane, from whatever source it may come, or other hydrocarbon compounds into green H2 and solid carbon black. The energy to run the process comes from renewables.
In case renewables are not available the system can use part of the H2 produced to generate its own CO2 free energy to keep the process running. The standalone operation still leads to a net H2 output higher than the consumption.
And here is our truly green H2 approach, the vertical integration of CYRANNUS® into the value chain for the production and use of green hydrogen in energy intensive industries, in the transport and mobility sector as well as for the generation of heat & power in large scale at public utility companies and decentralized, for instance at real estates and at-home.
In terms of future options, only the sky is the limit.
CYRANNUS®, the dual product technology
… Green Solid Carbon Black, no contradiction and a valuable resource for diverse industries.
The CYRANNUS® technology will make today’s processes for the production of carbon black obsolete, that emit to a not inconsiderable extent CO2.
The key to achieving the decarbonization of existing processes.
Producing H2 to be used as energy source in the form of gas or fuel or as chemical feedstock for various end products.
Producing Solid Carbon Black as highly valuable by-product for sale to fast track the overall RoI.
The CYRANNUS® approach
Efficient and fast approach to CO2-free green HYDROGEN. Production of 8 times more HYDROGEN from 1kW electric power than electrolysis. Enabling renewable energies to provide base load power.
CO2-free HYDROGEN for
- electricity and heat
- for synthetic fuels
- PtX – you name it
Decentralized H2 production wherever it´s needed. On-demand, on-spot, at-home.
Solid Carbon Black for industrial products and “Terra Preta” in agriculture & forestry.

Plasma Cracking
- CYRANNUS® the smart way to Green HYDROGEN
- Paradigmen shift: use of hydrocarbons from Biogas, LNG, BNG, mine gas, flare gas, natural gas ... as raw material
Decentralised H2 produktion (get more info)
Wherever it's needed
No need for Carbon Capture & Storage, no Transportation
H2 on-demand, on-spot, at point of use, at-home
Stand-alone capabilities (get more info)
- Units scalable in a wide power range
- Modular stack design: total power scalable by No. of units
Plasma Cracking: Smart & clever H2 production

- H2 production: on-site, on-demand, at home
- No demand for Carbon Capture and Storage
- No transportation
- Modular systems installed decentralized at consumer spot, wherever H2 is needed
- Scalable in power and total power scalable by just adding modules (modular stack design)
- Solid Carbon Black as added value
- Raw material for various industries
- For Terra Preta, the ULTRA HUMUS for soil
Plasma Cracking: Self-sustaining H2 production

- Stand-alone capability, thus H2 production independent from renewable energy
- Can generate its own electricity needs
- In combination with a fuel cell, part of the produced H2 is used to run the CYRANNUS® source
- Net output H2 > consumption H2
- “ZERO” CO2 emission and even CO2 negative
CYRANNUS® - the green, respectively CO2 negative, path to H2 and Carbon Black
Of highest interest for
- Public Utility Companies
- ENERGY and HOUSING industry
- GAS & OIL industry
- Coal and steel industry
- Construction industry
- Chemical industry
- Agriculture
Users & Manufacturers of
- CHP's, HVAC's & H2 gas engines
- Local power generators
- Stand alone & self-contained charging stations (independent of the power line)
- H2 fuel dispensers
- Synthetic fuels
Tailor YOUR own application.
We are here for YOUR future green H2 & Carbon Black plans. YOU decide according to YOUR preference.
CYRANNUS® for green H2
coming with
GREEN Solid Carbon Black.
The ultimate substitute for todays CO2 intensive processes for Carbon Black.
The truly green alternative for a wide range of industries and products:
Tires, plastics, lubricants, construction material, composites, cosmetics, paints & vanishes, material for road construction, for the drug and chemical industry, etc
Green Solid Carbon Black
A valuable raw material for AGRICULTURE.
CO2 free Solid Carbon Black for
Terra Preta,
the ULTRA HUMUS for soil, to increase the agricultural yield without increased fertilizer use.
A mixture of the Solid Carbon Black with natural fertiliser results in long lasting soil improvement, makes agriculture possible in relatively unfertile regions, and will help to reduce the amount of free nitrogen in the future, which products of reaction such as NOx contribute to global warming.
Due to its spherical shape, the carbon black produced by CYRANNUS® can be distributed extremely fine while at the same time having the largest surface area in relation to its volume. Ideal properties to act as fertiliser carrier and water reservoir.
Get more info: TERRA PRETA.